Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Nearly 8 months old now

2 weeks till I'm 8 months old! I'm getting so big that me and mommy don't fit in our rocking chair anymore! She says it's because she is getting BIG too! I'm a very easy going happy boy!

I got to go to the Orange County Fair with my Mimom and my parents! I liked the pig races...

But my favorite part was seeing the GIANT horse and cow with my daddy!
By the way, my first official word was "Da-Da"! My mommy is a little sad about that one!

My daddy tried to adjust my crib to lower it, but IT BROKE while he was doing it! So now I'm back in the bed with mommy till my crib get's fixed!

I'm eating solids about 3 times a day now! But I still like my bottles when daddy gives them to me... and ofcourse I enjoy the time I get to nurse my mommy... My mommy loves our time too!

I like spending time with my Uncle Derrick... He comes to pick me up and play with me sometimes too! He doesn't know that I can say "Ah-tee" now! (That's what I call Auntie Joy)

I play so hard that my daddy has a hard time keeping up with me and keeping me out of trouble!

My Grandma Chris and Grandpa Ric came all the way from Georgia to visit me! I got to spend a lot of days with them! They brought me LOT'S of clothes and toys!

OK MOM! No more pictures for now!
Until our next post!