Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What I've been up to...

I've figured out how to suck my thumb without poking an eye out or even getting one of my fingers in my nose...

I found my voice! I can yell real loud sometimes!

I met my cousin Joshua... and his mommy Auntie Tammie.
It really was exciting! So exciting I fell asleep!

This is my little Lola Luna and her little sister Lola Venus...
Don't I look like a giant baby boy?

I got some new outfits...

And some new accessories!

I figured out how to put my daddy to sleep...
I'm pretty good at it too!

Time for me to take a nap...
Until next time!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Some of my favorite things...

I love hanging out with my daddy... He looks forward to seeing me all day long!

I especially love it when my daddy get's home from work and I can give him kisses...

I'm a big Charger fan! I even have a jersey hanging in my closet that I'll wear when I get a little bigger!

I love to rock in my swing! You can't see it but I have a mobile that goes around that I watch, and my swing even plays music!

I LOOOOVE my bath time! I get a little upset when I have to get out. My mommy laughs when I pee in my bath and we have to drain the pee water.

And I like posing for pictures...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Meet some of my wonderful Family

This is my "Mimom" Michelle, who is my daddy's mom. She loves to take care of me, and she sees me every chance she get's.

This is her twin brother my very funny Uncle Michael. My mommy and daddy lived with him for a little while before I was born. He was a little nervous to hold me cause he was affraid he'd break me! He likes to hold me now that I'm stronger.

This is my "Ah-tee" Joy. She is my mom's favorite sister. She has already started to spoil me! She asks my mommy all the time if she can have me. My mommy has said no so far...

These are my cousins Chloe and Bryan. These are Uncle Jay and Auntie Nikki's two youngest. Uncle Jay is my mommy's brother. I'm excited to learn new things from them!

Whew... I'll introduce you to more of my family soon.

About my birth...

During the first few months of the pregnancy my mommy was very sick. A nurse would come to our apartment and give her fluids through an IV, and she wore a little pump in her thigh that gave her medicine so she wouldn't throw up all the time. She also got scared cause she had some spotting from a low-lying placenta. They also were affraid she had PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension). Then towards the end of her pregnancy she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
Because my mommy was diabetic, I was getting very big so Dr. Feldman suggested that I come out via cesarean section... My parents had mixed emotions, but after talking about it, they felt it was the best thing to do. So they scheduled it for Wednesday January 17, 2007 at 4:00pm.
It was rainy that day, and after all the prep, I came into the world at 4:40pm.
My daddy held me first and took me to meet my big family who were waiting just outside the OR recovery area. This is a picture of me with my Uncle Derrick and my daddy introducing us. My mommy went to recovery after they finished closing her up so she didn't get to hold me till she was moved to our room.
The 3 of us stayed in the hospital 4 nights. My daddy had to sleep on a little chair that pulled out so he could atleast lay down. The very first night he was trying to change me I peed all over him! My mommy's tummy hurt from the cut they made so daddy was the one who took care of me those first nights. Needless to say they didn't sleep much!

I had a lot of visitors during my hospital stay. This is when I first met my "mama" (My mommy's mom).
We went to thier house after we were discharged from the hospital and stayed a few days so my parents could rest a bit!
My mommy and daddy are very glad that things turned out so well... my mommy is especially glad that she never had to go through labor pains! They liked to look at me, cuddle me, and give me lot's of kisses. That hasn't stopped yet!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Welcome to my blog...

My name is Andrew Rene Tristan. I was born on January 17,2007 at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange CA where my mommy happens to work! I was 8lbs 12 oz and 20.5in long. A BIG boy! I will be 3 months old in just a few days!
I'm learning new things everyday and my mommy is so glad that she has been able to spend my first few months at home with me.
Please enjoy this blog about my life's journey as my mommy journals about me and my adventures!