Saturday, December 22, 2007

11 months... My 1st Christmas

I got to meet Santa for the first time! I liked his soft outfit and he was so comfy to sit on! He told me he was going to drop off some toys for me in just a few days! I can't wait! Just a couple of weeks after Santa comes by, I'll be having my first birthday party!

I've been really sick lately! I got a cold that turned into an ear infection, then the stomach flu! Finished throwing up but now it's coming out the other way!Lost 4 lbs which is = to 1 roll in my legs!

Check out the awesome turkey my Uncle Jay cooked for my first thanksgiving! Everything was delicious! Mommy and daddy had their 29th birthdays this month!

Oh boy... Everyone has gone crazy for this guitar hero game! I like watching everyone play it though! This is my oldest cousin Anthoni. He is a sophmore already!

Gotta run for now! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! Love you!

Monday, November 26, 2007


Time is really flying by! I'll be a year old in 2 short months! I hear them talking about my first birthday party already...

I was Tigger for my first Holloween! I think I like giving out candy better than going out and asking for some! Maybe it'll be different next year!

My daddy took me on my first horse ride... I like my time with daddy!

Here I am getting ready for my very first haircut! My daddy showed me the thing that cut my hair so I wouldn't be scared!

What do you think?

I like making new friends! Here is me with my friend Mikayla!

I've got 4 teeth showing and 4 more on the way! I've been sick lately cause all these teeth are coming at the same time!

My mommy is having a hard time keeping up with me! I'm an expert crawler and I like to stand up all the time now! I like to eat real people food when they let me! I'm growing up so fast!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Nearly 8 months old now

2 weeks till I'm 8 months old! I'm getting so big that me and mommy don't fit in our rocking chair anymore! She says it's because she is getting BIG too! I'm a very easy going happy boy!

I got to go to the Orange County Fair with my Mimom and my parents! I liked the pig races...

But my favorite part was seeing the GIANT horse and cow with my daddy!
By the way, my first official word was "Da-Da"! My mommy is a little sad about that one!

My daddy tried to adjust my crib to lower it, but IT BROKE while he was doing it! So now I'm back in the bed with mommy till my crib get's fixed!

I'm eating solids about 3 times a day now! But I still like my bottles when daddy gives them to me... and ofcourse I enjoy the time I get to nurse my mommy... My mommy loves our time too!

I like spending time with my Uncle Derrick... He comes to pick me up and play with me sometimes too! He doesn't know that I can say "Ah-tee" now! (That's what I call Auntie Joy)

I play so hard that my daddy has a hard time keeping up with me and keeping me out of trouble!

My Grandma Chris and Grandpa Ric came all the way from Georgia to visit me! I got to spend a lot of days with them! They brought me LOT'S of clothes and toys!

OK MOM! No more pictures for now!
Until our next post!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Mom's been busy... we skipped a month

I'll be 6 months old next week! Can you believe how quickly the time has gone?
I had my first July 4th and we celebrated with rice cereal! I ate the whole bowl! Lately we've been getting a bit messy though!

I went for my very first airplane ride! My daddy took mommy and I to see my great-grandma Nelly and Aunt Sandy and her family in Arizona. It was HOT but I had fun, and I was a good boy on the airlplane!

My teeth aren't showing yet, but they sure are bugging me! I like to bite EVERYTHING I can get my hands on! My uncle Derrick even calls me the "Drew-ler"! I can't wait till they finally just come through!

I LOVE to go swimming! I love to splash! It's hard to remember not to splash when I get in the bathtub though! I'm going to try to take swimming lessons with my best friend Noa... He's 3 so he can make sure I don't get scared.

I really like hanging out with my dad on the days that mommy can't stay with me... They told me she has to go to work! My dad really likes our special time...

Sometimes daddy get's a little carried away with is hugs and kisses and he starts to bug me a little bit! But I know he just loves me SO MUCH!
Until next time...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

4 Months Old Now!

I'm 4 months old now!
When I went to visit the doctor they said that I am now 16 lbs and 24 1/2 in!
They gave me shots again... and this time I got a little sick! My daddy stayed home and took care of me the whole day! Cool huh?

I'm a little sad cause my mommy is back to work now... But I stay with our friend Carla who loves me very much, and I get to play with my new friend Noa! He's 3 and he teaches me how to play with things.

I'm getting better at playing! I really enjoy my little gym! I'm really starting to enjoy toys... mostly things that make noise or that I can bite. I also love it when my mommy reads to me!

I like it when there are special occasions! Like Mother's Day! My dad helped me get my mom a really cool beach cruiser! He's teaching her how to ride it... I can't wait to learn to ride a bike!

Did you notice this cool chair that I got? I like it cause then I can sit up to watch TV! I like to watch sports, poker, and sopranos. My mommy said I can't watch sopranos anymore though...

Sometimes I play so hard I fall asleep while I'm playing! This makes my parents laugh! My family loves me SO much! Just wanted to give a shout out to all my grandparents, aunts,uncles, and cousins! Love you all!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What I've been up to...

I've figured out how to suck my thumb without poking an eye out or even getting one of my fingers in my nose...

I found my voice! I can yell real loud sometimes!

I met my cousin Joshua... and his mommy Auntie Tammie.
It really was exciting! So exciting I fell asleep!

This is my little Lola Luna and her little sister Lola Venus...
Don't I look like a giant baby boy?

I got some new outfits...

And some new accessories!

I figured out how to put my daddy to sleep...
I'm pretty good at it too!

Time for me to take a nap...
Until next time!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Some of my favorite things...

I love hanging out with my daddy... He looks forward to seeing me all day long!

I especially love it when my daddy get's home from work and I can give him kisses...

I'm a big Charger fan! I even have a jersey hanging in my closet that I'll wear when I get a little bigger!

I love to rock in my swing! You can't see it but I have a mobile that goes around that I watch, and my swing even plays music!

I LOOOOVE my bath time! I get a little upset when I have to get out. My mommy laughs when I pee in my bath and we have to drain the pee water.

And I like posing for pictures...